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Ideas to inspire
ApartmentGuide is a subsidiary of Redfin.com
If coronavirus has you stuck at home and you find yourself with more time in your hands, there are always small projects that can be done to improve your home.
Working on small projects is great. They not only keep your mind busy and motivated but they also will make your house looks better. And the best part is you can always crack a bottle of wine and share with your loved ones.
Here are 3 ideas of what you can get done while in quarantine:
1- Rearrange your balcony, patio or any big window that provides daylighting to your home: this is my favorite option! Since we are stuck inside, nothing better than remodeling an outdoor space or indoors next to the biggest window at your place. Natural light improves your mood and wellbeing, right what we need in theses times! Also, it will help you save electricity.
2- Give a fresh new look to your bedroom on a budget: because of quarantine we are spending more time in our bedrooms. That’s why now it’s the perfect time to upgrade it. You don’t have to spend all your savings buying new furniture. Try rearranging your furniture layout and adding tiny but meaningful stuff as pillows, candles and plants.
3- Cleaning around: this is the perfect time to buckle down on the task we all usually avoid doing. Wipe down blinds and windows. Deep clean your fridge and oven. Our bathroom drawers take a lot of daily use, clean them out. Go under your bed! When was the last time you did it? Move the bed and vacuum all the dust. Also, you might be surprised at the things you’ll find there.
We are facing uncertain times, and we all react in different ways. It’s ok to listen to ourselves, do the best we can, and always remember to stay positive!
Do you want to know what are we doing to protect our customers, cleaning ladies and community? Here is the answer:
As we monitor and learn more about the spread of Coronavirus in our communities, we want to be transparent about what we’re doing as a company to protect our customers and cleaning ladies.
The CDC recommends that we all take everyday preventive actions to protect yourself and others, such as:
Staying home.
Social distancing.
Washing our hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when around others.
Stay at least 6 feet (about 2 arms’ length) from other people.
The CDC also recommends to clean and disinfect your home and offices:
Clean AND disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. This includes tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and sinks.
If surfaces are dirty, clean them: Use detergent or soap and water prior to disinfection.
What to expect from the cleaning ladies?:
Our cleaning teams will be washing / disinfecting their hands for 20 seconds before and after each cleaning service.
They’ll use “Lysol” or “Method” (EPA-registered household disinfectants expected to be effective against COVID-19) to disinfect all surfaces, doorknobs, light switches, handles and all other areas.
Although this is already a normal practice for us, all cleaning ladies are required to report any flu-like symptoms right away to the office so that they can be removed from cleaning appointments immediately. Also, all the cleaning teams are taking their temperature every morning.
All our cleaning ladies will be using face-masks and gloves and they will keep 6 feet distance from others.
What do we expect from our customers?
Also following the recommendations of CDC, please contact us immediately if you or a family member is sick or experiencing flu-like symptoms and we will happily reschedule your cleaning service. This is very important for the health of our cleaning professionals, their families and our other customers.
To protect our cleaning teams, customers should wear a face-mask and keep 6 feet distance from them. We encourage customers to be in different rooms at the time of the cleaning visits.
The safety and health of our customers and cleaning ladies is of the utmost importance. We will be monitoring the Coronavirus situation and making sure to inform and implement all new preventive actions.
Fall is here🍂 We are starting to spend more time indoors and we love to feel cozy! What do we do? Here are some tips to make your living room more cozy:
1- Get some pillows! Nothing cozies up a room faster. There are all kind of sizes and shapes so you can give your space the look you like.
Saving tip: buy pillow inserts and some cute covers separately so you can swap them out seasonally.
2- Embrace soft lighting. From lamps to candles and even, fireplaces!
3- Add mirrors: they always look good and make spaces look bigger. Also, mirrors help the soft light bounce around the room.
4- Throw in as many blankets as you’ll like! They add comfort and coziness. Do you know a better way to watch a movie or read a book?
5- Last but not least, add some pictures/souvenirs of your loved ones or special moments. Protip: choose well, you don’t want to clutter up.
That brown bottle in your first aid kit can help a lot in the cleaning of your home! Here is how:
1- Sanitize Your Refrigerator: After cleaning your refrigerator in the way you usually do, spray the inside with hydrogen peroxide to kill any bacteria. After a couple of minutes wipe it down with plain water.
2- Cutting Board and Kitchen Sponge: We all know these 2 harbor some really scary bacteria. Disinfect them once or twice a week (depending on use) with a solution made of half water and half hydrogen peroxide.
3- Clean Tile Grout: To whiten grout, mix a paste of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide, spread it on tile and let it work for about 5 minutes. Give it a good scrub and wipe away as usual.
4- Streak-free Mirrors: All you need is a microfiber cloth and a spray of hydrogen peroxide!
Do you know any other hydrogen peroxide cleaning uses? Let us know! :)
Here’s How To Successfully Spring Clean
The weather is warming up, so we can finally open our windows! YAY!! Spring cleaning is a big annual tradition (one of our favorites) that consist in deep cleaning your home to freshen up the air for the seasons ahead. Are you in? This is what you should do:
1- Clean Room-By-Room: This is meant to be a deep clean so focus in the areas you don’t normally clean, as ceiling fans, windows, blinds, closets, cabinets and baseboards. Also, if you’re feeling extra motivated you could even move around some furniture. Having a checklist always help!
2- Organize And Clean The Clutter: One of the most important aspect of spring cleaning is getting rid of everything you don’t need anymore, or at least not until the next year. It always helps to organize things into categories such as trash, give-away and store.
3- Make Cleaning Habits: Now that your home is all clean and fresh, implement short daily routines to keep it that way all year long.
4- If deep cleaning is not your thing, you can always hire a proffesional. We’re here to help :) Check out our spring cleaning promotions!
Who doesn’t love to have their closet as organized as possible?
Not only because it saves you a lot of time in the mornings, but you also have more space for new acquisitions :) Here are some ideas worth trying:
1- Hang Strategically: Keep things sectioned. Hang all the blouses together, then the tops, followed by skirts, pants and long dresses at the end or where nothing is underneath.
2- Buy Storage Baskets: They give your closet a chic look and help you keep your accessories out of sight.
3- Use Walls/Door Space: Attach a bar to unused wall/door space and hang belts, scarves, purses or any other accessories.
4- Keep Your Top Shelf In Shape: If your top shelf is a mess, it looks like your entire closet is falling apart.
5- Last & Best Idea: Add a mirror to your closet! Or as close as possible to it. If you have a walk-in closet, it will turn into a complete & perfect space to get ready every day :)
Here are some tips for you!
We all want a professional organizer. But let’s be honest: do we want to pay for it?
If the answer is no, then keep reading :)
Divide your house by “projects” and spend about 3 hours every day in each project (Your kitchen is a project, the living room is a different project). DO NOT plan on organizing your whole house in one day.
Insta-worthy perfection? Trust me. It doesn’t exist for a space where a human being lives. It’s good to get ideas from social media but your goal should be to set up a space that works for your needs.
Start cleaning out first to be aware of the space you have and then you can buy all the containers/organizers that you really need. DO NOT buy the organizers before you start organizing.
Finish each process! When you’re organizing you’ll find things that you want to donate, give to a friend, put in storage. Do it now! Don’t leave it for later. You have already done too much, finish that project.
Once you’re done with everything be ready for regular upkeep!
Always remember that keeping a house free of clutter requires daily habits to stay organized.
Here Are 6 Things You Should Be Doing!
We’ve all been there. Feeling that our home is not clean and organized enough and that we can’t help it after a long work week or a fun weekend. That’s why we’re telling you these 6 simple things that you should start doing in order to keep your home as it should be:
1.- Make your bed every morning. Everything will look better!
2.- Keep your closet organized. It does streamline your morning routine.
3.- The kitchen is first, keep it clean! Do the dishes while you cook or put them in the dishwasher and wipe down all the surfaces after cooking.
4.- Have cleaning supplies handy in the bathroom. That way you’re more likely to do a speed-clean when something gets dirty.
5.- Keep everything as minimal as possible and put things away right after you’ve used them. The less stuff you have on surfaces, the more organized everything looks!
6.-Ask for help! Hire a cleaning service for a deep cleaning once a week, every other week or once a month depending on budget.