How Often Are You Washing Your Pillows?

laundry pillows

Pillows should be washed at least every three months.

I’m not going to talk about dust mites. Let’s just agree that it’s necessary to wash our pillows. Here’s a step-by-step tutorial on how to wash them. The first thing we need to do is check the care label to confirm that your pillow can be machine washed, most can be.

We only need three ingredients:

1.- The detergent you normally use (Liquid)

2.- Washing Soda

3.- Lavender Essential Oil (Optional)

Step 1

Run your washing machine for a large road (Set the water temperature on your machine according to the care label of your pillows).

Step 2

Add the liquid detergent to the running water (the same amount you usually use for a large load), as well as 1/2 cup of Washing Soda to whiten your pillows, and 5 drops of Lavender Essential Oil for a fresh scent.

Step 3

Once your washing machine has stopped, place the pillows in the dryer on low heat for a full cycle. 


  • Place up to two pillows at a time in the washing machine

  • Place a few tennis balls in with the pillows to speed up dry time and to keep the fibers from clumping

  • How do you know when it's time for a new pillow? Fold it in half and see if it stays that way. If it does, it’s time for a new one

After three easy steps your pillows are clean and ready to be used again!

All-Natural Way to Clean Your Microwave

Clean your Microwave

We are about to tell you a quick, scrub-free and natural way to clean your microwave!

We know how incredible gross a microwave can become and how tedious it’s to clean and SCRUB it in order to get it clean.

For this cleaning you only need three ingredients: Water, lemons and vinegar.

Should we do this step by step? Here we go:

Step 1: Mix all the ingredients in a bowl.

Step 2: Place the bowl in your microwave and run it on for 5 minutes.

Step 3: Let it rest for 2 more minutes while the steam does it fabulous job.

Step 4: Carefully, remove the hot bowl from the microwave and…

Step 5: You’re ready to wipe out all of the softened food and stains!

The result? Discover it yourself and let us know!

5 Must-Have Home Organizing Tools

Food Organizing Tools

Rule: The more things we buy, the more storage space we need so we have somewhere to put them.

This is why we want to share these 5 storage tools that every single home should have in order to stay organized and clutter-free:

1.- Kitchen Drawer Dividers: it will help customize the space of your drawers and separate your utensils which make them easier to find.

2.- Fridge Stackable Containers: fridge organizers are the solution to keeping all your fridge items easy to reach and you won’t have to worry about spending hour cleaning it out ever again!

3.- Under-The-Sink Storage Rack: Yes, you should take advantage of the space beneath your sink! Find storage racks that fit that space.

4.- Entryway Hooks: the best way to have your keys, bags and coats organized as soon as you get home.

5.- Over-The-Door Organizers: door organizers are the perfect solution for those with small closets. Use them to store your extra household items!

2 Simple Ingredients to Clean Your Washing Machine

Cleaning Washing Machine

Do you want to keep your washing machine working for years to come? Follow these easy, inexpensive and do-able steps to keep it clean!

1. Fill the washer using the highest load size and hottest water setting.

2. Add a quart of vinegar and allow the washer to agitate for about a minute. After a minute, open the lid and let it sit for an hour.

3. When the cycle is done, start again. This time add a cup of baking soda. Don't forget to use the hottest water setting.

4. You're all done! 

I bet your laundry machine will be smelling so fresh after this! You can also use the time between cycles to clean the exterior and knocks and crannies under the lid.

Good Luck!

3 Tips to Have a Tidy Kitchen

Tidy Kitchen

Have you ever wondered how do people who always seem to have a tidy kitchen do? They just follow these simple and time saving tips:

  1. Keep an empty sink: Never go to bed with dishes in the sink! Even easier if you have a dishwasher, unload first thing in the morning, reload throughout the day & put it on before bed.

  2. Store tools out of sight: The more you can store in your cabinets, the cleaner your kitchen will look on a daily basis. Also, if you want a clutter-free kitchen space just get rid of anything you don't need!

  3. Daily sprucing up goes a loooong way: Wipe down your surfaces and sweep the floor.

You're welcome! :)